Sarah Lejeune's fiction has been nominated for the UCLA 2021 Allegra Johnson Prize. Short fiction pieces were published in the 2020 Topanga New Times, 2018 issue of Lunch Ticket, an online journal, and the 2018 winter Passager Journal, a print magazine. as well as finalists for Glimmer Train prizes.
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The spoken word and installation piece Handmade Histories created with colleague Polly Chu was excerpted in Expanding Circles, Women, Art, and Community, 1996; Editor, Betty Ann Brown. Polly and Sarah were invited as guest artists at Smith, Wellesley, and Whittier Colleges, and Boston University. The spoken word piece Stones was selected for performance at the 1999 National Women’s Caucus for Art. She has contributed to two magazines - art reviews for Coagula Art Journal (Los Angeles), and poetry in the art sheet, Alpha-Bete (Boston). She is working on her fist novel.
Sarah Lejeune is a fellow of The Virginia Center for Visual Art in Art, 1996 and Fiction, 2018.